The Paris Peace Conference

The Committee: The topic of this committee is the Paris Peace Conference, a series of diplomatic meetings that took place between January 1919 and January 1920, in which the Allied powers came together to determine the terms of peace following the end of World War I. These meetings discussed various topics regarding who was to be held responsible for WWI, how they should be dealt with, new and old nationalist movements, the redistribution of territory and colonial holdings belonging to the central powers and Russia, how to maintain peace in the future, and the establishment of a worldwide intergovernmental organization with the goal of creating world peace, The League of Nations.

The Topic: The date is January 18, 1919 and the first meeting of the Paris Peace Conference commences. The war is currently at a stalemate and the fighting has halted. There have been over 40 million casualties and numerous towns and cities have been destroyed. You, the allies, must decide the terms of peace, while also ensuring that your country’s personal goals are met. Who is truly at fault for this deadly war? More importantly, how should the perpetrator(s) be punished and what do we do with the numerous nationalist movements that have taken root in their borders? Peace needs to be achieved with the Germans, Ottomans, Austro-Hungarians, and Bulgarians. The treaties created at this conference will have a lasting impact on world history, deciding the fates of millions of people. As such, the international community must find a way to promote peace and prevent future conflicts from arising, not only through the treaties that will be ratified but the proposed League of Nations, an international organization that will be responsible for maintaining world peace, as well. If the treaties aren’t written in a timely manner with the future and the people in mind, unexpected consequences may occur. From war, to revolution, to revolts, it is the job of the delegates of the Paris Peace Conference to not only advocate for themselves but the wellbeing of the international community.

Chair: Sophie Brovender
